Customizing the Dashboard

Your CueDB dashboard is the command center for your projects, activities, and sessions. Tailor it to your needs by showing or hiding modules with ease. Here's how:

  1. Activate the Toolbar: Begin by clicking the "Show / Hide" toggle in the dashboard's header. This action will reveal a toolbar.
  2. Module Toggles: Within the toolbar, you'll find toggles for "Projects," "Latest Activity," and "Sessions." Flip these toggles to display or hide the corresponding modules on your dashboard.
  3. Reorder: Customize the order of the modules by dragging the toggles within the toolbar to your desired sequence.
  4. Finalizing Your Dashboard: After adjusting visibility and order, click the "Show / Hide" toggle once more to hide the toolbar.

With these simple steps, your CueDB dashboard will display exactly what you need, the way you want it.

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